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bpl Northern Kurling Pairs Championship on Sunday 14th October 2024
Hoyland Leisure Centre, Hoyland, Barnsley, South Yorkshire S7 49EH

This is a pairs competition starting at 9 am and finishing at 4.30 pm. The cost will be £4.50 per player, e.g. £9.00 per pair. Please bring your own pushers; no other equipment is required.

The entry fee is payable on the day over the leisure centre counter. There will be bottomless tea/coffee all day, but attendees will have to make their own arrangements for food with the small basic leisure centre cafe.

This is our first foray into what is hoped to be a low-cost annual tournament. There will be initially four groups, and we will spread players from the same team out across the four groups wherever possible.

Once again, I thank bpl (Barnsley Premier Leisure) who are sponsoring the tournament.

This competition is being organised by Mac McKechnie, Manager Barnsley bpl Kurling Group so if you have any questions please call him on 07891745633 or via email